Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Wedding

It's wedding day!!!! I've been up for a while now... I can't believe it... So happy for my little sister; she found the man of her life... Well, he discovered her... I'm so proud of these two... Despite the long wait, they've been gracious to, and respectful of each other and their families. There is no greater testament to the way they've been raised than coming before God to be married... Not because they had to... But because they love each other and made a decision to unite their lives... Not in a rush as if they had something to hide... they took their time and enjoyed the journey... 
Today, though my parents are walking down the aisle to give her away, I  also giving her to my brother in law... You see, growing up, I felt she was mine too... I changed her diapers, bathed her, told her bed time stories and took care of her... When mom and dad were away on church business (which was often), I was left in "charge", which to me, meant I had to make sure my siblings made it to school, were fed, did their homework, and got into mischief responsibly and with minor damages to the property! We have always been a tight-knit family and as the oldest child, I felt, and still feel, that I'm responsible for their well being... I think I've done well... They're both alive and well... And now, here we are! 
Fran, welcome to the clan! Thank you for loving my sister so much! And thank you for all the hard work and sacrifice that brought us to this day! You've done a wonderful job and I'm proud of you!
I'm giving you my sister to love, cherish, and protect... You've got her now... Make sure you treat her right; I am far more scarier than my mother when it comes to protecting my family! 
I love you both so much and wish you the very best! I pray you will be happy beyond measure and always honor God in all your endeavors. He is the one that brought you together and he will keep you together when you honor Him and put him first!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Solo Duermo"

These were my grandfather's last words, embroidered on his "going home" neck tie, specifically prepared and chosen by him to be buried in. Their literal translation is "I'm only sleeping"; some would say it's a simple phrase, designed to bring hope to his family and loved ones. But these words go far beyond their literal meaning. 
You see, my grandpa was a head-to-toe Pentecostal who believed in Acts 2:38, and shared it every where he went. He also believed in the great commission given to us by Jesus on Matthew 28:19. He might not have traveled the world preaching, but, oh, did he preach! He had no fear, shyness, or beat around the bush. If someone in his family needed a good talking to, they got it. Why? Because he was fighting for the salvation of their souls. His last words to my father were to never stop preaching the Gospel. And that's exactly what he did yesterday during his eulogy. 
Saying "see you later" at the graveside yesterday was harder than I expected. I understand he's already won his battle, finished his race, and has now received his reward; however, those of us left on this earth feel the void of his presence among us. He was a fixture in the Jaramillo family. A patriarch who loved his family until his last moments on earth. A man who was not ashamed to preach the gospel, hug and kiss his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren; he was a strong man.  He married my grandma almost 52 years ago. Perhaps their marriage was not always exemplary, but from the time I can remember, I can say that he was a good, loving husband and father. 
I feel so sad today, knowing I won't see him again until the time comes for me to leave this earth. But this I know, those two words embroidered on his necktie encompass all those words he ever said to me and to anyone willing to listen: you must repent of your sins, be baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins, and receive the Holy Ghost to be saved. Furthermore, you must lead a a holy life, separate from sin and worldly things, you must show fruits of your repentance, you must preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if you remain faithful to the end, like my grandpa did, at the end of your life, though no longer on this earth, you'll sleep in Christ til the day He comes back, when those who died in him shall rise again and be with Him forever. There will be no pain, no sadness, no illness. Yes, indeed, "Solo Duermo" is more than just a phrase; it is a reminder for all those who saw, of the life my grandpa lead in Christ, and what we must do to see him again. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Legacy of a Pentecostal Grandfather

Honoring a grandfather: 
In a few hours the Jaramillo family will come together to celebrate and remember the life of the Jaramillo Macias patriarch. From the moment I remember, he was an exemplary man. Always fighting for his family and teaching them the Truth. My grandpa was the kind of man that is hard to find this generation; hard-working and family oriented. Though he came to The Lord in his late 50s, from that moment on, he neverstop ped  preaching the Gospel. More than 20 years ago, my grandpa lost his hearing, that didn't deter him from witnessing to anyone and everyone he came across. When he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, he left it all up to God and encouraged all who visited him to seek the Lord, repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus. 
His last years were more difficult, as his body deteriorated due to illness and old age, yet he never stopped sharing the gospel to friends, neighbors and even strangers. Every time I saw him these last few years he blessed me; even the last time I saw him he said a blessing over me. From him I learned that it was possible to worship Jesus in the midst of adversity and sadness. Grandpa, I love you and will miss you more than words can say. You have left behind a family that loves you and cherished you, and a legacy of Truth and love. So I will, to the best of my ability, take up the torch and share the gospel with those who need it. I can't imagine a life on this earth without you. Yet, this I know, that I will see you in Heaven again. Thank you for the blessings, the prayers, and your Godly example to my life.

El Legado de un Abuelo Pentecostal

Honrando a un abuelo: 
En unas pocas horas la familia Jaramillo se reunirá para dar la despedida al patriarca de los Jaramillo Macias. Desde que tengo memoria, mi abuelo fue un hombre ejemplar. Qué siempre lucho por cuidar a su familia y enseñarles la verdad.  Mi abuelo fue de esos hombres que difícilmente se encuentran en esta generación; trabajador y luchador. Aunque llego al camino de Dios a una edad ya adulta, desde ese momento no dejo de predicar el evangelio. Hace mas de 20 años, mi abuelo perdió el sentido del oído, pero eso tampoco lo detuvo; cuando fue diagnosticado con Parkinson's, en lugar de entristecerse, se encomendó al Señor y alentó a cada uno de sus visitantes a ponerse a cuentas con Dios y a predicar el evangelio donde quiera que fuesen. Sus últimos años de vida fueron más difíciles... La edad y las enfermedades lo debilitaron pero el persistió predicando a la familia, a los vecinos, y hasta a los extraños el evangelio. Mi abuelo me bendijo cada vez que lo vi estos últimos años. De él aprendí que en medio de la adversidad, aún se puede alabar a Dios y serle fiel. Abuelito, te quiero y te voy a extrañar. La vida no será igual sin ti, pero se que pronto te veré en el cielo.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Denver Armani Jaramillo

Denver Armani Jaramillo

Denver is one of the most important people in my life... Going through old files, I found the video I made for his dedication... He has just grown more beautiful and special with time... I pray the grace and presence of God follows him everywhere he goes...

Tia loves you Nene!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I Ponder...

sit here and ponder what life would be like if I didn't have you...

Would I be happy? Would I be here? 
Would life be worth living if you weren't here?

You gave me life, purpose, goals... Your life for mine you gave on the cross... Your daily presence makes life be sweeter... And your love for me is never ending... Your renewed mercy every morning gives me another chance to live life better... You and You alone have healed me, held me, and sustained me... 

So, pondering what life would be like without you is an exercise in futility... For how could I be me, if you weren't  Jesus?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is life about these days?

I've been told I need to start my own blog... and the truth is I've had it for many years now, but haven't posted in more than a year. I always had the same excuses: too busy with work, school, church, to really dedicate time to it. Well, I have decided it is time to make time for it... and here it is...

What has happened in the last 15 months?

I have lived through more than I ever thought I would, that's for sure... And I have learned things about myself that I never expected... My faith has been tested, my strength as well, and my willingness to live life to the fullest.

Yes, the last 15 months have been filled of uncertainty, despair, sadness, pain, and illness. But they have also been filled with tremendous peace in the middle of the storm, laughter while in pain, and a strength I frankly didn't know I had.

I also found my relationship with Jesus again. To say I've been away from Him is kind of close to the truth... The fact is, it becomes easy to step away after time, and stay away... Once we get busy with everyday life, and work, and everything is going great, it is easy to forget about, or put off if you will, an everyday life of prayer, and communion with God.

He was so merciful, though! Even when I haven't been the most faithful of His servants, He saw it fit to bring healing, peace, and strength into my life, during the darkest of times... He was there, He has always been there... and I am beyond thankful for His grace and mercy in my life, undeserving as I was.

Prayer... the power of prayer is something I've always said is amazing... but until you've been through a time where nothing but God will get you through, you're able to truly understand the amazing power and strength that you receive through prayer... Jesus is as near as the mention of His name.

So the last 15 months have not been the easiest of times... but I got through it! And my family and friends have been amazing too! My mother never left my side during those six and a half weeks, and my father spent his evenings with me every day. My little sister sneaked in some snacks (that mom would've never allowed)... and my other sister, my best friend, Megan, who was there every treatment I went through, and is pretty much the only person in the world my mom entrusted overnight care to... Thanks Megan! And to all my family and friends who were with me, supporting me and praying for me... I'll never be able to thank you enough... Your support has meant the world to me and my family...

So these are some of my ramblings... Hopefully I'll make more sense the more practice I have at writing this blog thingie! Thanks for reading!.